10 November 2018Hotel Brach Inauguration
11 September 2018Performance at Centre Pompidou
DATE: September 2018
CLIENT: Centre Pompidou
Signed by Arthur Mayadoux on the occasion of the cycle "FASHION Loves Art" of the Centre Pompidou, this performance exposes to the visitor's eyes, the backstage of a fashion show and the backstage, proposing an immersion in the world of Fashion where catwalk and huis-clos meet. Rim Zitouni performs and interprets alongside Nomai.
> Official link to the project > Read the article on Fast & Fresh
Sector: Arts, Dance
ART DIRECTION Arthur Madayoux PHOTOGRAPHER Justino Esteves STYLING Elsa Durousseau PERFORMANCE Rim Zitouni, Nomai MAKE-UP Ruben Masoliver